Digital Design Team

A Section of ELB | OCID


Advanced Technology Pilots & Projects

What is Advanced Technology?

The Advanced Technology program works towards integrating more advanced technology opportunities for the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education.

The Advanced Technology Pilots and Programs aim to support the integration of up and coming technologies into the Department as well as further advance existing technologies to better support instructional practices in both Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion) and English programs.

Current Pilots & Projects


OCID is offering a pilot program to support teachers in the use of Screencastify Pro for the remainder of School Year 2023-2024. Screencastify provides a web-based application that allows teachers to record, edit, and share videos that are easily integrated with the Google platform. The first 350 teachers to sign up will be enrolled and receive a pro license.

(updated 10/31/23) 

Flier for Screencastify PD Opportunity

More information about current pilots and projects coming soon!

Support Team: Advanced Technology Pilots & Projects

Photo of Amanda Nelson

Amanda Nelson
(808) 305-9892