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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Why AI?

AI is increasingly pervasive in various aspects of our lives, from virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles. Education in AI equips individuals with the knowledge to understand how these technologies work and how to effectively utilize them.

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology’s new policy report, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations, addresses the clear need for sharing knowledge, engaging educators, and refining technology plans and policies for artificial intelligence (AI) use in education. The report describes AI as a rapidly-advancing set of technologies for recognizing patterns in data and automating actions, and guides educators in understanding what these emerging technologies can do to advance educational goals—while evaluating and limiting key risks. 

What is AI and Promoting AI Literacy?

AI refers to programs or machines that simulate tasks that typically require human intelligence. (TeachAI "What is AI?" Informational Brief

AI Literacy refers to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with how artificial intelligence works, including its principles, concepts, and applications. It also refers to how to use artificial intelligence, such as its limitations, implications, and ethical considerations. Conceptually, AI Literacy focuses on "How to Use" AI-based "tools" whereas Computer Science focuses on "How it Works." Students need to know both areas to be able to understand and use AI technology properly

As illustrated below, Computer Science is "foundational" for a wide range of technology-based topic areas including but not limited to AI.

How is AI Literacy connected to Computer Science?

AI Literacy is closely connected to Computer Science as it builds upon the following five (5) "foundational" core concepts and practices taught in computer science education:

AI Standards Alignments, Framework, and Guidelines

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) K-12 Computer Science Standards

From a standards-based education perspective, AI Education is currently aligned to the K-12 Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Computer Science standards that have been adopted in 2018 by the Hawaii Board of Education. The CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards delineate a core set of learning objectives designed to provide the foundation for a complete Computer Science curriculum and its implementation at the K–12 level. Note: CSTA acknowledges the evolving Computer Science Education landscape and will be releasing the Reimagine CS Pathways Report on the next version of the CSTA K-12 Standards and AP Courses this coming Summer 2024.

TeachAI Policy Resources

TeachAI brings together education leaders and technology experts to assist governments and education authorities in teaching with and about AI. TeachAI's AI Literacy Framework will be released in the summer of 2024 and will help provide further guidance with standards and curriculum, professional development, and integration across various subjects.

AI4K12: K-12 AI Guidelines

AI4K12's K-12 AI Guidelines are organized around the 5 Big Ideas in AI. The guidelines will serve as a framework to assist standards writers and curricula developers on AI concepts, essential knowledge, and skills by grade band.

Age Restrictions and Parental Consent for AI Tools

While AI tools provide students exciting learning opportunities, there are age restrictions for generative AI tools such as ChatGPT that currently requires users to be at least 13 years old. It also requires parent or legal guardian’s permission for students between the ages of 13 and 18. The website warns that “ChatGPT may produce output that is not appropriate for all audiences or all ages and educators should be mindful of that while using it with students or in classroom contexts.” 

Refer to the AI Education Resources section or contact us at for guidance on AI/CS-related age/grade level appropriate learning resources.

AI Education Resources

Computer Science/AI Professional Development and Support 

Contact us at to schedule a meeting to discuss your AI Professional Development and Support needs.

Computer Science and AI Support

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