Digital Design Team
A Section of ELB | OCID
Project Inspire: Course Policies
Drop Policy
Dropping from a course means the participant no longer wants to take a course that they registered for before the start of the session.
Drop requests may be submitted anytime before the start of the session and must be received before the registration period has closed and/or before the first day of the session.
Please allow up to 90 days to process course refunds for dropped courses.
Withdrawal Policy
Withdrawing from a course means the registered participant no longer wants to continue participating in a course.
Participants may request to withdraw from a course at anytime after the start of the session up until the last day of the session.
Withdraw requests must be submitted by email to the Course Instructor and/or Course Program Manager. Withdraw request must include the following information:
First and Last Name
Project Inspire Course Number/Name
Contact Phone Number
Contact Email Address
Reason for Withdraw Request
There are NO course fee refunds for withdrawal requests.
Participants withdrawing from a course will receive a "No Grade" status and will be removed from the course in the LearnSoft system.
If the participant plans to retake the course, a request to retake the course must be sent to the Course Program Manager to enable the participant to register for the course again in the LearnSoft system.
Late Assignment Policy
Subject to Instructor discretion
Course Completion
To complete the course successfully, participants must meet the following requirements to receive a "Complete" grading status.
Complete all course requirements (includes completing a Learning Results Portfolio) defined in the course.
Participants who are not able to complete the above requirements will receive a "Incomplete" grading status.
Participants may also receive an "Incomplete" grading status if all communication attempts to confirm their participation are unsuccessful and they are no longer actively participating in the course.
Learning Results Portfolios are randomly selected and reviewed by the Advancing Professional Learning Office.
Credit Accrual
Credit accrual occurs once the Advancing Professional Learning office approves the selected LRPs for the course section.
Participant Responsibilities
Participants will be asked to:
Engage respectfully and collaboratively with each other's ideas and experiences.
Actively participate in virtual sessions, complete assignments, and engage in discussions in a timely manner.
Provide constructive feedback (Glows and Grows) to peers and the instructors.
Respect the diversity of learners and value the contributions of all participants.
Communicate openly with the instructors and peers.
Inform instructors if they are planning to collaborate with a partner to complete activities.
Academic Integrity Policy
Participants are expected to show honesty, responsibility and core professionalism in their course work that should be the result of their own understanding and effort.
All stakeholders, including learners, are expected to use reliable and diverse resources, cite sources correctly, comply with copyright laws, and use technology responsibly.
Collaboration on assignments is encouraged, but all submitted work must reflect the individual participant's understanding and contribution.
Consequences will result in the participant having to redo the assignment.
Artificial Intelligence
Any use of AI to aid assignments, projects, or research must be declared.
AI tools may be used for brainstorming or preliminary research, but using AI to generate answers or complete assignments without proper citation or passing off AI-generated content as one’s own is considered plagiarism.
Any AI-generated content used in assignments must be appropriately cited; its use must be disclosed and explained. As part of the disclosure, students may choose to cite their use of an AI system using one of the following resources:
MLA Style - Generative AI | APA Style - ChatGPT | Chicago Style - Generative AI
Consequences will result in the participant having to redo the assignment.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many courses can I take during one session?
Due to the intensity of the course work, it is highly recommended for full-time classroom teachers to not take more than two (2) courses concurrently to balance with regular classroom work commitments.
Are all of the courses offered each session?
Yes, all Project Inspire courses are offered each Spring and Fall sessions. However, the list of course offerings may change due to new and/or discontinued courses.
Do I need to have actual K-12 students for the Learning Results Portfolio student work samples requirement?
One of the key requirements for Project Inspire courses is to complete a Learning Results Portfolio which may include student work samples reflecting a range of proficiencies. If the course requires student work samples, Non-Classroom Teachers (NCTs) should consult with their Principal and/or Project Inspire Program Manager before registering for the class if they are not able to make arrangements to complete this requirement.
How do I get a copy of the course fee payment receipt for the Project Inspire courses I registered for?
Course fee payment receipts for Project Inspire course registrations are available upon request from the Project Inspire Program Manager. Please email
Is there any actual "face-to-face" classroom time or is it all on-line?
Project Inspire courses are primarily online but there may be some "hybrid/blended" course offerings.